Deck List Search

Type or copy and paste any decklist to see what our offer prices are for all cards at once!

  • Enter cards at one per line.
  • Do not leave any quantities in the list (1 Android: Netrunner Core Set or 1x Android: Netrunner Core Set) as they will be stripped out.
  • You can enter any words and the system will try to find cards with the name matching the search term closely.
  • Only max 50 records are shown.
Examples: _____
1996 World Champion

Please let us know if you have any issues/questions/comments regarding this tool and enjoy!

List of Cards


Dueller's PointBlk 450 Hougang Ave 10 #B1-541 Singapore 530450 Open Hours: 2:00 pm to 11:00pm daily!

About Dueller's Point

Located in the Singapore Heartlands, Dueller's Point is a WPN Premium card store that specializes Magic: The Gathering.

We also carry miniature games like Warhammer 40k, Warhammer Age of Sigmar and Shadespire.

Dueller's Point is the definitive one-stop online portal for discovering your trading card games and miniature gaming needs in Singapore!

We also carry a wide range of gaming accessories to suit all your gaming needs!

Unlock your ideal gaming destination today!


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